Haddon W. Robinson

Haddon W. Robinson served as a discussion leader for the Our Daily Bread Ministries' Discover the Word radio program for many years. With much experience, wisdom, and insight into life, Haddon finds it important to enjoy his life and ministry. When he's not reading about David in the Bible or enthralled in a Sherlock Holmes mystery, Dr. Robinson teaches at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where he is the Harold John Ockenga Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Preaching. A native of New York City, Dr. Robinson completed his graduate studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., 1955), Southern Methodist University (M.A., 1960), and the University of Illinois (Ph.D., 1964). Before going to Gordon-Conwell, Dr. Robinson was president of the Denver Seminary in Denver, Colorado, where he had served since 1979. He was on the faculty of Dallas Theological Seminary where he taught preaching for 19 years. From 1970-79 he was also the General Director of the Christian Medical and Dental Society, whose membership is made up of more than 20,000 physicians and dentists. Dr. Robinson was the president of the Evangelical Theological Society (1983) and has served on the executive committee for that group of evangelical scholars. Dr. Robinson has been editor for the Theological Annual, a contributing editor for Preaching, (a series of taped sermons), a fellow and senior editor for Christianity Today, and occasional contributor for Leadership. He's a prolific writer, having been published in magazines that include Christianity Today, Moody Monthly, and Decision Magazine. He is also editor of PreachingToday.com. He has authored several books: Grief, Biblical Preaching, Biblical Sermons (currently used as text for preaching in 120 seminaries and Bible colleges throughout the world), What Jesus Said About Successful Living, Decision-Making By The Book, Preaching That Makes A Difference, and Trusting The Shepherd, Insights From Psalm 23. Find books by Haddon Robinson

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