Regina Franklin

In a world that would identify women by the roles they fill, Regina believes that the defining point of a woman’s life is being a daughter of God. Everything else flows from that place. A mom at heart, she teaches God’s Word with passion and loves being in the trenches with people. Regina teaches full-time at Westminster Schools of Augusta, serves alongside her husband in ministry, and also freelances in writing. Married since 1995, Scott and Regina believe the greatest calling on their lives is that of pastoring their two children, Charis and Micah. After more than twenty years of youth ministry at New Hope Worship Center, Scott and Regina felt the Lord directing them to step out into church planting—a dream they had carried in their hearts since their dating years. With the support of their home church and many others, they launched inMotion Church in September 2013. Desiring that the presence of God be pre-eminent in all they do, Scott and Regina count themselves privileged to serve those He has brought into the inMotion family. Because she is enthusiastic about training up spiritual sons and daughters in God’s Word, she feels a deep sense of commitment to do as Ezra did as he “set his heart to study the law of the Lord and to practice it, and to teach His statues and ordinances in Israel” (Ezra 7:10). Regina desires that those who read her writing know the amazing depth of God’s love for them, the sureness of their worth through Jesus’ work on the cross, and the high calling on the life of all believers to share the power of Christ’s love and healing with those around them. After a grueling semester of Advanced Composition in college, Regina didn’t imagine her work in writing would expand much beyond grading student essays. She considers the doors which have opened up to be a true testimony to the goodness and grace of God. She has written two books, Who Calls Me Beautiful? and Designed by God.

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