Fitness gurus and medical professionals urge us to get regular exercise, eat properly, and practice common-sense stress management. And that’s a good thing. After all, the apostle Paul didn’t say that caring for our bodies is of no value. He said, “Physical training is of some value” (emphasis added).
But in the same literary breath Paul added, “godliness has value for all things” (1 timothy 4:8). So . . . how do we train ourselves for godliness?
We can draw some corollaries between physical and spiritual health. Think back to a time when you began a program of exercise or made a dietary change. How successful were you? Are you still engaged in it today? What do you want to change? By making and implementing a realistic plan that addresses your physical needs, you’ll see progress in your health and well-being.
It’s no different with our spiritual lives. A good way to improve our spiritual health is by setting realistic goals that will draw us close to the heart of the Father who designed us for relationship with Him and with each other. In this booklet, evangelist and author Luis Palau offers a concise, overview that will help you build spiritual habits into your life with the goal of closer relationship with Christ. We hope this will encourage you as you continue—or begin—a lifetime of healthy habits.
Our Daily Bread Ministries