

Contained in the pages of this booklet is a truth that brought one of the wisest men who ever lived out of late-life disillusionment. Overcome by a sense of life’s repetitious boredom, and profoundly disturbed by the temporary, pointless nature of existence, Israel’s King Solomon finally came to the renewing truth discussed by well-known author J. Oswald Sanders in this excerpt from his book Heaven: Better By Far. What makes life significant and what gives even repetitious thoughts and work lasting value is the awareness that at some time in the future our loving and merciful God will weigh the value of everything we have done (Eccl. 12:14).

J. Oswald Sanders has recently left this life to be with his Lord. It is our privilege to provide you with his words that are even more important to him now than when they were written. Martin R. De Haan II

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