Chapter 5

Faith is the Victory

The story is told of a school principal who was passed over for a promotion. His argument? “I have 25 years of experience!” But the superintendent responded, “No, Joe. You have had 1 year of experience 25 times.” For Moses, like Peter walking on the Sea of Galilee, there was great safety as long as his eyes were focused on his Lord. The moment he was distracted by the problems or people around him, he was in danger of relying on himself—and falling into the vortex of frustrated anger.

First John 5:4-5 says, “Whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.” We cannot do it alone. We desperately need the Lord.

If you don’t know this Lord, there’s only one place to begin. The Bible tells us to recognize our failures, frailty, and sin, and to rely on Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for forgiveness. The life of faith begins with the faith that believes God for salvation. Trust Him today.

If you’re a believer, don’t lose sight of your dependence on God. The only answer for anger is seen in the example of Christ, who humbled Himself in obedience to the Father’s plan and purpose (Phil. 2:8). We are to have the mind of Christ (v.5) by acting in humility—not in self-assertion and anger. When Moses was humble, he was useful to God. When his anger took over, he dishonored Him.

May we learn from Moses’ examples, both good and bad, to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God (1 Pet. 5:5-6).

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