Chapter 4

What Does It Mean for Me?

The search for a truly loving relationship can seem like chasing after the wind. In the midst of our search, the Bible assures us that the Creator of the universe cared so much for us that he came seeking us.

In a world of loneliness, despair, and rejection, the Bible offers hope and encouragement. We recall the words given to a blind beggar named Bartimaeus: “Cheer up . . . He’s calling you!” (mark 10:49). Yes, the Creator cares for us! With that truth in mind, consider the words of American astronaut Guy Gardner. Reflecting on the wonders of space he said:

It’s very hard to think this must have happened by chance. . . . You realize at the same time that there had to be a Master Designer, a Creator of this planet. And to me that makes life all the more special. Because that tells me that instead of me being something that just came along in the course of time to live and die, that instead of a meaningless existence, I have Someone—who cares for me—who has made me and cares about me.7

What if it’s true? If Jesus is who he claimed to be, and if the Creator really does care for us, then everything now depends on our willingness to trust him. If Jesus is God in the flesh, then apart from him we will never know real joy, real meaning, or real peace in life. He is our Creator and he seeks a personal relationship with us.

Carefully consider what the Bible says:

For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him. There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son (john 3:16–18).

Ultimately, Kirsten Powers, now a political commentator and columnist, kept her promise to her boyfriend to remain open to the question of faith in Jesus. Her journey from skepticism to faith was slow. She began to read the Bible to see what it really said. Still, as she puts it, “I didn’t feel any connection to God, and frankly, I was fine with that.”

Reluctantly, Powers attended a Bible study. She describes it this way: “I don’t remember what was said that day. All I know is that when I left, everything had changed. I’ll never forget standing outside that apartment on the Upper East Side and saying to myself, ‘It’s true. It’s completely true.’ The world looked entirely different, like a veil had been lifted off it.” Powers concludes, “I was filled with indescribable joy.”8

Kirsten Powers’s dilemma highlights the soul–crisis of each one of us: What if it’s true? Wherever your spiritual journey finds you at this moment, we hope that you will keep an honest and open mind.

If you have any questions, or if you would like additional material to study, please contact us. We’d enjoy engaging in a respectful dialog with you that will help us all better understand what really matters in life.

7Joseph M. Stowell, Strength for the Journey: Day by Day with Jesus, © 2002 by Joseph M. Stowell, p. 55.

8Kirsten Powers, “Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus Follower” from

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